Sunday, January 20, 2013

Ten days to go until the big adventure!

Here is a picture of my house in January.  Only ten more days and I will be leaving this snow behind.
 I am excited for my trip!
I will post more later. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Matthew,
    You are so Lucky! You are going to have so much fun! I am so jealous. I am not enjoying the cold and snow!
    Miss Walker

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hey Matthew, please let me know if you get this message I am testing it out.

    Mrs. Morgan

  5. Hi Matthew, love your blog your doing a great job! Miss you can't wait to see more.
    Love Grandma and Grandpa

  6. Hi Matthew,
    I was wondering,did you write that your self? Oh,and check out my new blog... You can see the web-site if you go to my other blog: This is Axel!! My email is still the same though, here are some questions...

    1. How many days until you get back?

    2. Where are you going net?

    3. Where are you now?

    4. Now how long is you trip?

    Please email me the answers, I don't really want Mrs.morgan knowing I know your blog adress

  7. hi Matt its Nicholas. how are you doing buddy? did you find those skylanders you wanted? i miss you at school and i made up a new dragon club you can join when you get back in two months. what has been your favorite part of your trip so far?
