Sunday, February 3, 2013

On the road

We arrived at the Border at 10 pm on January 30th.  The border guard asked us if we had anything three dimensional to declare and we said "NO, nothing 3D but ourselves".  We then smuggled Flat Stanley into the United States.  Luckily he is two dimensional so we did not have to declare him.  We stopped in Erie Pennsylvania overnight and woke up to a big snow storm.  Here is a picture of Flat Stanley and myself with the snow storm behind us.
We had some bad driving and white-outs in the Appalachian mountains but when we got to Orlando we saw a really nice sun set.

My Grandpa bought me a Nikon camera to take pictures of my trip.  Here I am taking a picture of you!

The weather in Florida is really nice.  Here I am outside my Grandpa's place.

Flat Stanley started to come to life and pop up again but unfortunately he fell out out of the car and got run over.  Watch for more posts later.


  1. Have a great trip. Riley wants to know how you made Flat Stanley. Aurora says for grace to remember her Princess Dress for the cruise. Say hi to your Grandpa Dan from us.

    1. Thank you for your best wishes. My teacher made the Flat Stanley and I coloured it in and then she laminated it. Tell Aurora that Grace has 3 dresses she brought for the cruise. Riley should read the Flat Stanley books if he hasn't already. Take care and talk to you again soon.

  2. Hey Matthew I read your blog and I am so excited to show the class tomorrow! You look like you are having an awesome trip so far. Say Hi to Mom, Dad, & Grace for me!

  3. You are a good writer, Matthew. I am looking forward to reading more of your stories.
    Helen (Grandpa's friend)

  4. Looks like fun, miss you guys!!! Ruby and I send you all hugs xox

  5. I am loving the great pictures and stories from your trip.

    The Disney boat sounds incredible.

    All the best,
    Mr. N.

    p.s. It is still snowing in Severn Bridge.
