Thursday, February 7, 2013


Yesterday I went to Gatorland in Orlando! At the beginning of the day I went to the upclose encounter show. At first they picked my mom to hold what was in the box. She had to close her eyes and hold her hand out. Here is a picture of what was in the box.  A TARANTULA!

After that we ate lunch. Then we went to the gator wrestling show. If  you think you run in zig zags to escape an aligator you are wrong!  Just run straight ahead as you can outrun them. If you want to put a gator to sleep you flip it over.  To wake it up you tickle it's belly.  Here I am sitting on a 2 metre gator.


I also went to an aviary where there were dozens of budgies and a couple of parrots.  The real name for budgies is Budgerigars or the common pet parakeet.  They are native to the Outback of Australia and migrate in flocks to find food and water.

Aligators are cold blooded.  If you try and poke one in the eye the eyes will retract.  This time of year the gators are not as active.  They have 82 teeth and if they lose teeth, the teeth will replace themselves.  
 Is this a picture of an alligator or a crocodile?  Do you know what the difference is?
Do you know how long alligators live?  Do they live longer in the wild or in captivity?
I want to answer some questions and comments from my classmates.  Here is a picture of a Panama hat Nicholas.
Yes, Alison I am having fun.  No, Racheal, Flat Stanley did not break his arm but he is a little flatter now.
Alligators do not even bother with birds or things that land on it's back.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Matthew. You look good dressed as a pirate, is that a jug of milk on the table? The grave yard on the seashore looks peaceful, people are dying to get in there. The. Buildings are beautiful. Looks like your having fun and learning a lot of interesting things.
    love Grandma and Grandpa.
