Tuesday, February 26, 2013

San Juan Puerto Rico

San Juan Puerto Rico has deserts, rain forests, caves and wild cats running around. I forgot to mention it also has forts. Ponce De Leon founded the city in 1508.
If you don`t believe me about the cats look at this photo. The population of the old part of the city is 18,000. We were there on Ash Wednesday when people wear ashes on their heads. There was an Ash Wednesday service on the ship.  
This is Castillo de San Cristobal. It was built in 1783. The fort was made to protect the city.
Puerto Rico has many beautiful buildings and nice shops with homemade items.
Below are some photos of the city that I like.


This is a grave yard. 

1 comment:

  1. Do you know why there are so many wild cats running around? Mrs. Morgan would not like this. lol Katelyn
